Welcome to The Vessel, 2024

36 Weeks, covering 12 Focal Points

Support for spiritual maturation through reflection and meditation

Space for concentration and contemplation in community

Losing resistance, finding flow

Feel nourished, clarified, inspired, and supported

Harmonizing your humanity and your divinity

Coming into balance

Living from deep love for all

live zoom small group meetings


support for your individual journey

This is for you if you're interested in...

strengthening your resolve and motivation for ever-increasing wakefulness, or clear sight

removing the root of your anxiety

healing relationships with key concepts, including God

growing your mindfulness and concentration skills

contemplation of beneficial insight 

becoming free

having the company of friends and practicing kindness 

exploring great love and devotion

hearing the harmony in sacred texts from different times and traditions

sharing your questions and experiences to benefit all of us

seeing the same world differently

durable happiness

Meet Ruth

Our Focal Points

A Sketch of Our Course 

We will spend three weeks exploring each topic or question, consulting wisdom, bringing clarity to the beneficial ways of viewing these concepts, and practicing contemplation together, with these as our objects.  

What is enlightenment?

February 19- March 10

What is the Self?

March 11- March 31

What is to be overcome or surrendered?

April 1- April 21

Desiring Desirelessness

April 22- May 12


May 13- June 2

Not Judging

June 3- June 23

Paradox of Emptiness

June 24- July 14

Always Yes

July 15- August 4

Balance and Reflection

August 26- September 15

Action, Motion, Cycles, Rest

September 16- October 6

Tuning Your Inner Truth-o-Meter

October 7- October 27

Actually Hearing

October 28- November 17

I feel like I am getting new eyes.

Jessica Werner
Founder, Northshore Learning

This is why I hire the Universe to talk to me every Monday morning.

Sean Waters
Founder, Wisdom Workshop

This Vessel is so safe, beautiful, supportive and nourishing. The space, the environment and the people in the group are becoming part of my life force fabric and it feels so strengthening to me as a fellow human traveling on this remarkable journey. Thank you, Ruth, for providing such a warm, welcoming, deepening space of learning, growth, and celebration.

Joel Michor
Facilitator and Coach
Self Leadership Collaborative

Thank you so much Ruth for the effort that you put in and week after week presenting such a beautiful and graceful display of devotion and care to assist others along the journey. I am so grateful that you invited me and that I’ve had this opportunity to have at least one person in my life in this very challenging time to continue reminding me about where my heart is and what is there for me if I choose to continue knocking on the door.

Heather Matoon

Join Us Today!

The 2024 Vessel is a rare opportunity to share sacred space in time
on the walk of Self-knowledge,
within the song of Divine Love. 

Set aside time for concentration and contemplation in community.